FIT College Blog

8 Techniques To Instantly Build Rapport With Clients

Written by Pita Vea | Nov 27, 2023 3:36:10 AM

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Build rapport and create lasting relationships with your clients. Here are 8 techniques you can use to build rapport with less friction.

1. Active Listening

Active listening is the cornerstone of any great relationship. It requires you to be present with another individual. This includes responding with verbal, and non-verbal cues.

Once you master the art of active listening. You'll be able to better understand your prospective personal training clients. Leading to greater retention and lifetime value.

Some good examples of active listening are:

  • Making good balanced eye contact.

  • Asking open-ended questions.

  • Paraphrasing your prospect's key pain points.

  • Be non-judgmental.

  • Listen to uncover their why, rather than fire off facts or your own opinions.

2. Mirror and Match Body Language

Mirroring is where you match someone's body language and mannerisms. Most people mirror without knowing. Especially when they agree with someone. Neuroscience suggests there active pathways in the brain called mirror neurons. That contributes to how humans have evolved to learn from each other.

Intentional mirroring is a powerful tool. It helps your prospective personal training clients feel understood. While putting them at ease, if you see them mirroring you during the consult, it's a good sign.

3. Be Patient

You're going to encounter all sorts of people in your journey as a personal trainer. Therefore, it's important to remain patient, and nonreactive.

It's also important to remain patient when someone has a lot of questions than normal. Educating yourself on the different buyer personas will benefit your communication angles.

4. Find Ways To Make The Other Person Feel At Ease

Helping people feel comfortable can come in many forms such as:

  • Reassuring they don't need to be fit to start.

  • Validate their goals and challenge them on unrealistic ones.

  • Educate them on weight loss principles.

  • Use humor to break the ice, but know humor can backfire.

Putting people at ease ensures they are less defensive. You'll find people will open up when they're relaxed and comfortable. And when you couple that with active listening you're well on your way to increasing your client base.


5. Break The Ice With Small Talk

As a personal trainer, you'll be the leader in the relationship. Take the opportunity to lead with small talk and enable conversations. But also be mindful of different cultures and their communication styles.

Some good questions to break the ice:

  • What did you get up to on the weekend?

  • Are you a coffee or tea person?

  • What line of work are you in?

  • Do you have much planned for the rest of the week?

The best icebreakers are simple. The intention behind the questions is just to stimulate some conversation.

6. Show Empathy and Understanding

As a personal trainer, you'll be managing people's emotions as well as their physical goals. Pts will often provide some form of emotional support. But it shouldn't be therapeutic in nature.

It'll come in the form of your clients feeling proud or emotional when changing their body shape. Or achieving their first marathon. Show you care and celebrate their wins.

7. Communicate Effectively

Effective communication is a fundamental skill for personal trainers. Providing simple, easy-to-understand cues is a core skill for a PT.

It also comes in the form of showing support and motivation. Changing your language to suit your client can go a long to building rapport.

Effective communication is also non-verbal.

Other examples are:

  • Using silent demonstrations to show correct movement.

  • Showing cues before giving oral cues when correcting movement.

  • Show you are invested in the conversation with even eye contact.

8. Provide A Sense Of Calm

Most people want a personal trainer but are anxious. Compounded by the fact that many people might have underlying conditions. Which creates a low self-esteem.

To combat this, personal trainers must provide a safe space and a sense of calm. Try to avoid topics that could be too triggering. This could be being body-positive with sensitive clients for example.