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Lululemon Mirror: will it replace personal training?


Have you heard of a mirror that displays fitness exercises from the comfort of your home? 

This is exactly what Lululemon is bringing to the market. 

What is the Lululemon Mirror?

Victoria Song recently reviewed the Lululemon mirror on the Verge, and unsurprisingly, it is a mirror - with a few fitness additions. According to Lululemon, the mirror is designed to reflect back at you and display a range of fitness exercises in high definition. It also has camera functionality in order for trainers to provide feedback on form, all the while having the ability to join virtual classes with other people online.

Why is the Lululemon Mirror Unique and is it better than traditional personal training?

It seems that Lululemon has been innovative after launching this gadget in 2018. What makes the mirror unique is its ability to facilitate fitness at home in maybe one of the easiest formats that we know of. There are over 10,000+ preprogrammed workouts that are ready to be followed along with virtual group sessions. You can connect your other smart devices to it to synchronize your heart rate and burnt calories. But does this really replace a personal trainer?

Convenience versus accountability

The Lululemon mirror definitely offers convenience. On cold mornings when you don't want to get up and go to the gym the mirror could be your option. It won't ever replace traditional personal training. It's well known that you go to a personal trainer for a few reasons:

  • Motivation - having a personal trainer with you in person can't be replaced by a screen
  • Routine and accountability - this is what personal trainers do best, they keep you accountable to your goals
  • Immediate feedback and sometimes the requirement of tactile cues
  • A range of different equipment to help you reach your goals and keep your health and fitness well-rounded

Cost Comparison

The mirror isn't available in Australia yet, but the starting price in the United States, and Canada is $995 for just the mirror. Compared to a personal trainer where the average cost is $50 for a half-hour session, and possibly gym membership fees on top of it. If you spent $995 on personal training that would be roughly 20 sessions. Depending on your goals, if you did two sessions a week that would be 10 weeks of personal training - with specific goals that you can work towards with a qualified personal trainer. 

Final Thoughts

When it comes to fitness and well-being only you can truly know what you like. Whether you enjoy yoga, boxing, general fitness, or CrossFit, you can probably get all of these through the Lululemon mirror. What it won't replace is having a highly qualified personal trainer in your corner, when you don't want to get up on those cold mornings, are struggling through your last rep, or are training for your first marathon.